Well, It felt like I had been pregnant for a million years... I think that's normal. But we finally had an induction date of 12/22. The doctor decided that we could get induced that day and even if a c-section was necessary, we would be home on Christmas Eve. Mollie had a different plan all on her own. Last week, I felt contractions more frequently, but I they weren't bad enough or frequent enough for me to go into the hospital..
That changed on Sunday, December 14th. I was having contractions around 4 mins apart that were a what I rated 7 on a pain scale. We went into L&D around 2:30 that afternoon to find out that I was still only 2cm and since I was only 38 weeks and 5 days the hospital really couldn't help me along. So back home we go... Until around 1:30 in the morning when I was hurting even worse and contractions were coming every 3 mins... Sleep wasn't happening. So this time, mom took me. Guess what? Still 2 cm... Same story. Home we go but the nurse suggested I called my dr and get squeezed in the next morning.
We got worked in to see Dr. Shannon at 9:30 that morning... GUESS WHAT!?!
Nothing. Same story different day... At this point I am literally hours away from being 39 weeks where the hospital could help me, I hadn't slept in over 24 hours and it didn't look like I was going to get any relief anytime soon. She prescribed me an ambien to try and help with that. So from 12:30 pm to 1:30 am I slept for 3 mins and woke up for a contraction. The WHOLE TIME. Miserable was an understatement.
1:30 in the morning as I was getting up to walk and breath during a contraction, my water broke!!! HALLELUJAH!!! Bc I really hated to go back into that hospital and get sent home again... It wouldn't happen... I refused.
Delivery day!!
Got checkin in, I was 6 cm and feeling everything. Awful. Within 30 mins I was at 7 cm. and those fools tried to tell me they weren't sure if I could have an epidural because my white blood count was too high and they didn't know if there was enough time to get some antibiotics in me. Excuse me here... Screw that. No epidural? Ain't nobody got time for that. I was yelling... Luckily they pumped it on in and hooked this girl up with the good stuff.
Because I wasn't feeling any urge to push, we were able to wait on Dr. Shannon to get to the hospital. She showed up, and it was push time! One practice round of pushing and one real round... 10 mins later... We have a baby!!!
She is literally the most perfect angel baby I have ever seen in my life. I may be biased... ☺️ my whole world has changed and I could not be happier. AND.. She took a 3 hour nap this morning in her crib. #happymomma